• 27 seconds

Twenty-two (22) of the top fifty (50) female stackers in the world are from Korea. At the nation’s first competition after the World Championships, two new world records helped established Korea’s sole possession of all female world records for the first time in its history.

The WSSA 2017 SPEED STACKS Asian Championships Challenge 1st in Ilsan, Korea was not the only competition held on the weekend of May 27 & 28 – but it certainly was the one that made the most waves. The day started with Si Eun Kim bettering her previous 3-6-3 world record by 0.001 second, the smallest record increment in sport stacking history.

This competition is also the first national competition in Korea to feature Stack of Champions. Stack of Champions is a feature segment conducted at the end of a competition day in which the top stackers are given the chance to improve their finals time. On her first cycle attempt in the highlight reels, Eun Jin Jo did exactly just that – improve her finals time. The new cycle record of 5.325 sees the female Cycle world record exchange hands to the new record holder for only the 4th time in its history – 2 of which are by Korea stackers.

Congratulations to Si Eun Kim and Eun Jin Jo on these achievements!