• 34 seconds

New world records set in 3-3-3 and Cycle
What a day for the WSSA!
The date February 11, 2012 will certainly be one for the WSSA record books. From Delaware to Georgia, new overall world records in the 3-3-3 and Cycle were set in dramatic fashion, and the day belonged to William Polly, Chandler Miller and William Orrell.
The day started in Laurel, Delaware at the WSSA East Coast Sport Stacking Championships when William Polly, overall winner at the 2011 World Sport Stacking Championships, set a new Cycle record with a time of 5.84 seconds. The 11-year-old from Arlington, Virginia broke the previous record of 5.91 seconds set by Mike McCoy.
Not to be outdone, and armed with the instant knowledge (via internet) of William's accomplishment, world-class stackers Chandler Miller and William Orrell took the stage and went to work at the Stack of Champions at the WSSA Southeast Regional Championships in Columbus, Georgia.
As a prelude to the Cycle, William (Orrell) landed a 1.59 in the 3-3-3 setting a new world record in that event. Chandler then stepped up and hit a 1.53 for the same event, thus capturing the current new overall world record. This was familiar territory for Chandler. The 13-year-old, who hails from Moreland, Georgia, held the previous record of 1.63 seconds that William had just broken moments before!
Chandler had the momentum going into the Cycle and bested William Polly's time from earlier in the day (5.84 seconds) by 1/100th of a second setting yet a new Cycle record of 5.83 seconds. Game over? Not quite said William Orrell. The 13-year-old from Advance, North Carolina, put an exclamation point on the day by matching Chandler's time of 5.83 seconds and taking an even share of the new Cycle Overall World Record.
As William Orrell's dad put it: "What a day for the WSSA!" Indeed it was, and we congratulate William Polly, William Orrell and Chandler Miller for a sport stacking day to remember.